Function Similarity represent process with Exact Match checking of word if precisely is equal to value 1 (true) and not equal to value 0 (false).Resemblance of source and goals base analysis match exact without used steam although there is suffix and prefix that is difference word, so added with suffix and prefix will mean word which different. Resemblance used analys with Exact Match method and similarity function. Equality of word equivalent combine also with equality of word with word location differ, and combine equality of word with is same word location.
Analysis in the form of checking : the first equality of word with word location differ, second equality of word with is same word location, and third equality of word equivalent.
Made system and designed to do examination both of source of text 1 and source of text 2 (goals) with prediksi if there is resemblance from text 1 and text 2 more near or not.In generally system consist of three process that is process early (praprocessing with index), seeking process (process and searching with index) calculation of presisi with sign and match exact. PENGGUNAAN METODE EXACT MATCH UNTUK MENENTUKAN KEMIRIPAN NASKAH DOKUMEN TEKSHeriyanto, Heriyantoindexing, text, similarity, exact, match, searching, source, goal, documentComparison of resemblance document text to know how precisely from its source resemblance or do not with efficient and effective algorithm.